Body Rock weekend was memorable and fun.
My day started on Friday, the 12th. I woke up thinking about CG's Body Rock preview night! It was fun! It started hitting me that night that Body Rock was only how many hours away. After preview night Gina, Andy, B, Leo, Nigel, and I went to Andy's house to rest up for a bit before heading out to San Diego that same night. The guys thought that it would be less of a hassle if they showered at Andy's and so they did. While Gina and I planned to shower at Carl's house the next morning! yee. So while waiting, I started flipping channels while eating B's candies! All the channels or movies I picked were scary movies! haha, except for The Simpsons and Harold and Kumar something something I forgot. We left Andy's house let's say around 1ish. I seriously thought I was going to stay up but I was the first one to knock out. Got to Carl's house around 3ish and his dad cooked some bomb ass spaghetti! Everyone that got there before us were asleep either upstairs or downstairs like these fools. So Gina and I thought of recording them and pretended they were some random animals in the amazon.
After that instead of getting some rest Sheila, Carl, Jho, and I stayed up.. talked and laughed about random shit the whole entire time till sunrise! I was hyper tired, foreal. I also wanted to beat everyone else for the bathroom because I don't like having to deal with everyone trying to get ready all at once so yay me! After I showered and got ready I sat down right next to Sheila and Carl by the stairs where we could see everyone who were sleeping downstairs and all of a sudden.. you hear Joe moan! HAHAHAHAHAH that was so fcking hilarious. At first I thought it was a loud fart, but it was Joe moaning, oh man! While everyone was getting ready, I tried to catch some Zzzzzz.. heh 10-20 mins =[ Ate breakfast and headed to The Rock[Body Rock's venue]

We got to the venue and maaaaaaaaaan do we look tired =[ I wasn't too happy. I drank monster and I'm not quite sure how many red bulls, "crash and burn" that's what everyone kept telling me. Tech went well, but I didn't feel it. I thought to myself.. "just wait till we go on stage, over looking a huge ass crowd infront of me." Watched other teams tech and wow there were a lot of great teams! We ate after and went straight back to practicing some more before the competition start.
Body Rock was an amazing experience with my family...

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