Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why even bother.

Who am I kidding?! I'm just being silly.
Oh well.

Monday, August 17, 2009

There's always a first time in everything.

MY FIRST TIME teaching! Wow. I actually pulled through.
Colette came in at work and asked if I wanted to collab with her and I agreed without even thinking! hahah I'm glad I did because it was fun and a great experience. It felt soooooo damn fcking good dancing earlier, like orgasm all over my body.

first 2 8 counts - Colette [was it really worth it]
second 2 8 counts - Jena [I hope you know that]
third 2 8 counts - Colette [you're gonna see me]
fourth 2 8 counts - Jena [I promise that]

My escape. I miss this so much..
I want to keep dancing.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Breathe. Stretch. Shake. Let It Go.

I can't wait to go here tomorrow. Its so pretty and relaxing =]
I need this since I've been thinking about a lot of things.

Friday, August 14, 2009


What's a fact about the last person who had their arms around you?
he's berrrrryyyyy panny!

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
forever 21 yeee

Why were you last grounded?
because of my car accident.

Do you know anyone that smokes weed?

Do your parents force you to go to church or let you make the decision?
they don't have to force me. I go anyways because I love my church =] except, when I'm dead tired and I can't even open my eyes hehe

When it comes to the opposite sex, what's your "type"?
as long as this guy makes me laugh, can carry a conversation, who's down to earth, and has a cute smile then we're good.

Where is the furthest place you've traveled?

How long does it take you to shower?
about 15-20

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
I actually don't know right now...

What was for dinner last night?
had some ravioli

Does your ex miss you?
I don't know go ask him.

Does anyone love you?
aww yes =]

How has the week been?
interesting. alright. chill. tiring. fun.

Do you curse in front of your parents?
haha sometimes!

Are you slowly drifting away from someone?

What girl can you tell everything to?
Anna and Nat

When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?
It depends.

Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms?

Does anyone hate you?
I don't know.

What did you do today?
work. chilled at home with Jesse and Harry. UG Auditions. chilled.

Does the person you like, like you back?
I don't like anyone, maybe a crush.. but I don't think so.

Have you chewed gum after someone else already has?
omg yeah hahahahah

Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
of course.

Who was the last person to tell you they love you?
Gina Hong

Did anything surprising happen today?

Whose house did you last go to?
Nate's house

Did you go shopping at all today?
nope. I need to stop shopping!

What's the last thing you cooked?
spam? lol

Is your birthday in a winter month?
summer baby =]

Last purchase made?
fries for my brothaaa

Who was the last person you talked to through Myspace message?
too lazy to check

What time are you going to bed tonight?
wow I'm hoping before 5am!

What song are you currently listening to?
Last Sip

How do you know when a friend becomes a best friend?
I could do and say anything infront of them and when I know I can fully trust him/her.

What exactly are you wearing right now?
shorts, tank top

Are you wearing any jewelry?
rings, necklace

Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
Jesse Harry Josh

Last person that made you laugh?

Did you dance today?
Yes =] Made my day

What does your hair look like right now?
up and its more on my left side hahahah

What do you smell like?
curves lotion mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! so so so good.

When was the last time you saw the person you like?
!!!! this survey sucks dick. hahaha <-- yeah I fcking agree with Anna!!!

Was today better than yesterday?
yes and no

What is today's date?

What's the last CD you played in your car?
I don't have any CDs in my car boooooo. I use my ipod.

Is there a DVD in your DVD player?
The Little Rascals =]

Are you using a desktop or laptop?

Who was the last person that called you?

Are you male or female?

How often do you listen to music?
Like everyday! hah

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I am up like always. I've been sleeping hella late lately because my sleeping pattern is all fcked up and there are times when I just feel restless. I don't know how its going to be when school starts for me =/ I hate waking up early. Good luck to me.
I love laying on my comfy bed, soft blanket and pillows, windows open because I like the cool breeze at night. Itunes. Phone next to me because I get random txts/calls. I enjoy late night conversations before I go to bed and it somewhat helps me fall asleep. I like the company.
I'm craving some rocky road ice cream right now, but I'm way too lazy to get up and get some.
I've been thinking about drawing lately. I miss it.. especially when I walk in my room and I look at my wall, full of pictures, photographies, and art. Maybe I should.
One thing I hate about night time is that, I have way too much time alone that I think about so much things. Everything's going by so fast, its unbelievable. Time, please slow down.. even just for a bit.
I want to go to the lake, its relaxing and its just really nice.. hopefully one of these days this week.
I'm falling asleep.. I guess I won't be seeing the meteor shower tonight/morning. Wow this is such a random blog.

Btw, I can't believe it. So cute though =p

Monday, August 10, 2009

uh oh.. Got Caught.

August 3.
The day/night of CG Banquet. I got two signs.. should've seen it coming! But it was so unexpected. It was too soon, I thought I'd be able to hide it for a few more months.
1.)Around afternoonish I was getting ready for the banquet and out of nowhere, my dad came home.. earlier than usual. Thank God I was sitting down and I was able to hide it. I had to wait for him to go in his room for me to be able to run in my room and grab my cardigan.
2.)I haven't seen Toby in awhile ever since he made TM. I didn't know that he was going to stop by at CG banquet. I was having a conversation with Gina and he came and tapped my left back.
"When did you get this?!"
"February of this year and my other one was in August of last year."
"That's really nice! What did you parents say?"
"Oh they don't know, I've been hiding it ever since! My mom's gonna be so pissed if she finds out! Thank God she hasn't though."

I got a call in the middle of Kirk's speech, FCK it was my mom. She asked if I have a tattoo and I denied it, not once but 3 times. She also found out about my other one, I denied it again. But ehh eventually, I thought.. fck it I can't lie anymore so I said.. YES MOM. She flipped a bitch over the phone and started yelling at me. I walked out of the room and started crying =[ lol! What a baby. But I was just so scared. I went up to Nat and told her, since I know she knows how to comfort me and make me feel better. I'm right, her talking and calming me down helped a lot. Tad came out to check up on us and the whole time they were just hugging and comforting me. THANK YOU. They took me home and told me that if my mom does anything to me that they'll be outside waiting and will be willing to take me to their place for the night. I was praying the whole ! I didn't see it coming or for this to happen that night.
Walked in and my mom was waiting for me. She told me to sit next to her. She started yelling and lecturing me about my tat. She started asking questions. She also saw pictures of Anna smoking.. which she didn't like. She just kept going and going. She saw Nat and Tad outside, got even more scared because I thought she'd be pissed that they were outside. But thank God, once again.. she said sorry for having to leave the banquet early to take me home and asked them to come in. Nat told my mom that they just wanted to make sure that I'm okay. From there Nat told my mom about the stuff that I told her when I first got my tat. She told my mom how much my family means to me, she also told her that I'm a good person, how I learn from my mistakes, that I'm understanding and have a good heart, and how I'm mature for my age. Nat put in good words, which got me thinking "Wow this is how Nat sees me" It was really nice to hear and it made me tear up. She had so much to say about me. Thank you Nat, and thank you Tad for being there. This talk not only made my mom accept my decision about getting a tattoo but we were also able to clear some things between us.
Ahhh its so nice not having to hide my tattoo! I like the fact that I could go home,not having to wear T-shirts on a hot weather, or having to carry a sweater or a cardigan! I could go naked in my house for all I care! HAHA.
Prayers do work, I told you.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A.M.- P.M.

August 4.
I didn't sleep just cus something happened the night before, which was the night of CG Banquet. I was awake and had a nice conversation with someone on the phone till let's say about 4ish. Got ready around 5am and headed to Jesse's house. It was seriously a good morning, even though I didn't get enough sleep. Jesse and I headed to Hawks Point to kill time and to just relax and enjoy the view. We were pretty hyper at 5 in the morning! Hawks Point was really nice sight to see.. Now I wanna see the view at night.
After Hawks Point, I called Emie and asked if she would want to come eat breakfast with us at Denny's! I love my best friends =] since 7th grade yee! Funny thing is, they're not even that close to each other hahaha! Oh well as long as these two get along. Breakfast with them was fun and full of laughter.. like always.

We decided to just kick it at Emie's before we leave for the Airport and before her work! Just watched and chilled. Then off to our separate ways. Emie went to work while Jesse and I decided to stop by Starbucks to get some caffeine in our system. Well what the hell do you know, it worked! On the way to LAX we were straight up laughing the whole time, I mean the WHOLEEE TIME. Singing to some crazy ass filipino songs and dancing in the car to making some weird ugly nastehhhhh noises just to keep each other awake! It was a mission for us to find gate #5.. so dumb because we missed the huge ass sign that says Gate 5 Northwestern! We walked around for a good hour and a half.. looking for my cousin Lucyl, Tita Luz, and my Lola. But eventually we did. On the way home, I gave up and knocked out! I couldn't take it anymore. Poor Jesse LOL!
Thank you for going with me beshhhpren!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Common Ground Banquet 09

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to attend our CG Banquet, but luckily things worked out fine and was able to attend. Got ready and I waited for Leo to pick me up. We chilled and talked to kill time before the banquet and mannnnn, there has been a lot of stuff going on. Which tells me that we've been too busy to hang out or even have a phone conversation.. not even a text. Leo's been one of my closest guy friend ever since UG started, damn 2007. I remember how we would always talk about joining CG after UG. How much we wanted to improve and how much passion we have for dance. Lucky him, he's enjoying it. I wish I could too..but things aren't always the same for everyone. I have it the hard way. It was even hard for me to stay on UG back then, but since I love my dance family and dancing, of course I didn't give up. Except this time around, its harder.. my mom's been on my case. I always pray for this. Dance. Something that I actually enjoy, that makes me happy, that makes everything better for me. Oh well.. who knows, but as for now I gotta listen and concentrate on school. Blah.
We got to the venue, dang Jho did a great job =] Yay for Vegas Theme.
Amazing artist you can say. I wanted to keep this... but unfotunately stuff came up and I spent the whole time crying and worrying outside of the hotel that night.
We were the first few people that came. CG is known as laggers! Haha. Doors open at 545, Dinner served at 600, and from there activities and what not. People didn't start showing up around almost 7 -_- wow right?!
Wooo I'm as tall as Caesar's Palace and Paris =] Gosh, I felt better about my height haha!
Andy. Another close guy friend of mine ever since UG started as well. UG First Gen =] He's always been there for me and lets me know that I can always run to him.
OH Ben! One of my favorite CG heads when I was on UG, I remember we'd have breaking sessions hahahah! Because of this guy I got better with my footworks and what not. SNAPS is the name of the game, the name of the game is called snaps.. are you ready? =] He never failed to make me laugh. Genie, my 09 newbie baby! I love her =] She's an amazing, sweet, funny, confident girl.
My babehgirl Mel! Thanks for picking a nice place for our banquet =] We spent our time sitting infront of the door and making sure that everyone gets a name plate for their table. Good stuff with this girl. One of my mains.
Mmmm my fave Jenny! Bad Influence Mama =] She's one of my few favorites, thats right. Trish, my other Bad Influence Mama. B.I. Family.. we're missing Kim[cg], Tiffany, Dmug, Nick, and Chris[ug]
Yep, pretty mamas thats for sure.
We had two different skit groups, but that failed.. so a few people that were able to meet up just made their own video skit making fun of people. I was literally crying because I couldn't stop laughing! AHHHHHH LOL. Pretty much, Common Ground is full of fun shit..that is all.

Awards, hmm I got the "Most likely to get tackled by Andy" Award. Yeah -_- because of our Army set for Body Rock. He fell on top of me -_-OUCHHHHH.
I love spending time with CG. I love everything about CG. I love my family =] Thank you.
Everyone had a good time and so did I!!!!!!
Except for one part..=/