I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to attend our CG Banquet, but luckily things worked out fine and was able to attend. Got ready and I waited for Leo to pick me up. We chilled and talked to kill time before the banquet and mannnnn, there has been a lot of stuff going on. Which tells me that we've been too busy to hang out or even have a phone conversation.. not even a text. Leo's been one of my closest guy friend ever since UG started, damn 2007. I remember how we would always talk about joining CG after UG. How much we wanted to improve and how much passion we have for dance. Lucky him, he's enjoying it. I wish I could too..but things aren't always the same for everyone. I have it the hard way. It was even hard for me to stay on UG back then, but since I love my dance family and dancing, of course I didn't give up. Except this time around, its harder.. my mom's been on my case. I always pray for this. Dance. Something that I actually enjoy, that makes me happy, that makes everything better for me. Oh well.. who knows, but as for now I gotta listen and concentrate on school. Blah.
Andy. Another close guy friend of mine ever since UG started as well. UG First Gen =] He's always been there for me and lets me know that I can always run to him.
OH Ben! One of my favorite CG heads when I was on UG, I remember we'd have breaking sessions hahahah! Because of this guy I got better with my footworks and what not. SNAPS is the name of the game, the name of the game is called snaps.. are you ready? =] He never failed to make me laugh. Genie, my 09 newbie baby! I love her =] She's an amazing, sweet, funny, confident girl.
My babehgirl Mel! Thanks for picking a nice place for our banquet =] We spent our time sitting infront of the door and making sure that everyone gets a name plate for their table. Good stuff with this girl. One of my mains.
Mmmm my fave Jenny! Bad Influence Mama =] She's one of my few favorites, thats right. Trish, my other Bad Influence Mama. B.I. Family.. we're missing Kim[cg], Tiffany, Dmug, Nick, and Chris[ug]
Yep, pretty mamas thats for sure.
We had two different skit groups, but that failed.. so a few people that were able to meet up just made their own video skit making fun of people. I was literally crying because I couldn't stop laughing! AHHHHHH LOL. Pretty much, Common Ground is full of fun shit..that is all.
Awards, hmm I got the "Most likely to get tackled by Andy" Award. Yeah -_- because of our Army set for Body Rock. He fell on top of me -_-OUCHHHHH.

I love spending time with CG. I love everything about CG. I love my family =] Thank you.
Everyone had a good time and so did I!!!!!!
Except for one part..=/
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