I'm thankful to be a part of BK's project for Maxt Out =] Sucks that I'm not able to do CG this year, but at least I'm st
ill dancing somehow.. at least for now. But anyways, we had a photoshoot last Saturday! pretty darn tootin' funnn hehe!
Nick and Casey picked me up aroung 12ish and headed to Spectrum! I wasn't real
ly planning on buying anything, but daaaaaaaaamn.. I love the fact that I came up.. woo for an Obey leather jacket, freakin on sale at Metropark =] loves it! I'm supposed to be saving up, but I knew that if I left the store empty handed I would fee
l guilty and plus, I couldn't let go of the jacket haha! Ate chipotle for lunch mmmm! its 220am and I'm craving it right now -_- Off to Santa Ana for our photoshoot, pretty scary but I mean the location was nice. PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES. After the
photoshoot ate wingstop with Kimmy Nick and Casey.. ohh lemon pepper, so yuummmmy! then off to practice!

Gotta take a shit Nick??
Luz and I are twinsieees =]
Random ass guy passed by and straight up said to Jon "NIgga ya'll should've won!" since he's on Kaba. Pretty funny.. it's one of those "You should've been there" type.
So Qboi.. which one is it?? The girlfriend or the cousin?? I think the cousin! HAHAH, the way you put your hand on his thigh.
This one is my favorite!

I'm stoked for practices and especially MAXT OUT on NOVEMBER 1st! COOOOOOOOOOOOOME move funny with us!