Francis Maranan asked me to be his date for TDB installs niggaaa! It was full of fun shit =] My morning was full of errands and I had to meet up with a friend of mine to straighten things out that's been buggin her. Went home and got ready. I honestly thought I was running late, but it was these two guys that were hella laggin! They picked me up and headed to the District mall, Ferd got his fiited hats, while Francis got his purple vans. Matching much? I was intrigued by their conversation their "shopping day" for this event on the way back to the car, I thought it was pretty funny and cuuuute! They were worrying more than I was about their outfits and how they look LOL! They're such girls. Ferd dropped Francis and I at his apt and picked up Stephanie. Our car was craaaaaacken btw, you don't need 31349139084 people in the car to have fun! Had our pre-game in the car, knowing my light weight ass, I was hella buzzed before we even walked in the hall.
Gay guys = Francis, Enriqueleaaaaaaaak, and Nate
I honestly did not expect seeing Jayda and Julie! I tripped the fck out when I saw them.. its been 4 years! WESTERN GIRLS =]

and look what we found in the sink!!! a braaaaa! Stina, being the drunk ass girl.. she still washed her hand in that sink ... poor bra got wet! HAH!

Jena: Who's best fcking daaaaate nigga?!?!
Francis: Jena Taruc!
Ferd&E-man: Woooo!
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