I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to attend our CG Banquet, but luckily things worked out fine and was able to attend. Got ready and I waited for Leo to pick me up. We chilled and talked to kill time before the banquet and mannnnn, there has been a lot of stuff going on. Which tells me that we've been too busy to hang out or even have a phone conversation.. not even a text. Leo's been one of my closest guy friend ever since UG started, damn 2007. I remember how we would always talk about joining CG after UG. How much we wanted to improve and how much passion we have for dance. Lucky him, he's enjoying it. I wish I could too..but things aren't always the same for everyone. I have it the hard way. It was even hard for me to stay on UG back then, but since I love my dance family and dancing, of course I didn't give up. Except this time around, its harder.. my mom's been on my case. I always pray for this. Dance. Something that I actually enjoy, that makes me happy, that makes everything better for me. Oh well.. who knows, but as for now I gotta listen and concentrate on school. Blah.
We got to the venue, dang Jho did a great job =] Yay for Vegas Theme.
Amazing artist you can say. I wanted to keep this... but unfotunately stuff came up and I spent the whole time crying and worrying outside of the hotel that night.
We were the first few people that came. CG is known as laggers! Haha. Doors open at 545, Dinner served at 600, and from there activities and what not. People didn't start showing up around almost 7 -_- wow right?!
Wooo I'm as tall as Caesar's Palace and Paris =] Gosh, I felt better about my height haha!

Andy. Another close guy friend of mine ever since UG started as well. UG First Gen =] He's always been there for me and lets me know that I can always run to him.

OH Ben! One of my favorite CG heads when I was on UG, I remember we'd have breaking sessions hahahah! Because of this guy I got better with my footworks and what not. SNAPS is the name of the game, the name of the game is called snaps.. are you ready? =] He never failed to make me laugh. Genie, my 09 newbie baby! I love her =] She's an amazing, sweet, funny, confident girl.

My babehgirl Mel! Thanks for picking a nice place for our banquet =] We spent our time sitting infront of the door and making sure that everyone gets a name plate for their table. Good stuff with this girl. One of my mains.
Mmmm my fave Jenny! Bad Influence Mama =] She's one of my few favorites, thats right. Trish, my other Bad Influence Mama. B.I. Family.. we're missing Kim[cg], Tiffany, Dmug, Nick, and Chris[ug]

Yep, pretty mamas thats for sure.
We had two different skit groups, but that failed.. so a few people that were able to meet up just made their own video skit making fun of people. I was literally crying because I couldn't stop laughing! AHHHHHH LOL. Pretty much, Common Ground is full of fun shit..that is all.
Awards, hmm I got the "Most likely to get tackled by Andy" Award. Yeah -_- because of our Army set for Body Rock. He fell on top of me -_-OUCHHHHH.

I love spending time with CG. I love everything about CG. I love my family =] Thank you.
Everyone had a good time and so did I!!!!!!
Except for one part..=/