My sister's birthday =] Woke up around 8am to get ready and what not. We planned on leavin by 930am but that failed. Anna came to my house and then we waited for Nick and Casey. Chilled then left right when Kareem came. Casey drove, and then off to Disneyland we go! Wee =] I love my disneyland pass! haha. Like always Anna and I are hyper and went crazy in the car =] hehe! Lines, lines, and full of lines. I hate waiting in line! hah. For Anna's birthday we decided to get her a Disneyland pass wooooo! Welcome to the Dland pass crew sistahgirl!
First ride, Star Tours.."Anna's favorite ride" umm.. I'm not a big fan cus it gives me a headache right after! yiiikes
We left around 430ish, saw Rino from Beat Freaks on the way out. Ah she's a hottie! Off to Hokkaido. Daaaaaaaamn, bomb ass food! I don't like buffets =/ just because I get full right after one plate. Booooo! Met up with everyone there. The server sucks ass from a straw! We were supposed to surprise Anna with a yummy birthday cake.. but she just ruined it.
server: umm.. here's your cake. what do i do with it?
anna: that's not ours!
She didn't even put the candles on it! Whatta B word.
Yay for Stephy! I missed this girl.

They played good songs woo! We thought Jamie and Francis would feel awkward the whole time at the club, but what a surprise... they fit in perfectly! Out of everyone Francis went on stage and stood on top of a chair and started dancing! HAHAHA gay guys. They were in denial. They were scared that their bro's would find out that they went to a gay club and tease them. Our faces says it all.

Breaks. Man, I've never seen so many cute gay guys! haha, too bad.

This creeper guy was talking to me lol ummm he was nice though. I kept saying how I loved my night and it was my first time at a gay club and that I would come back anytime! He told me I'm a "sweet beautiful girl, god bless you darling" lol um yeah and he kissed my hand!

Rode with Kimmy, Nat, and Tad! Oh man, what a ride. Off to Rage Night Club! Buzzed. Red. Hyper. Fun. Laughs. Random. I even started jerking in the car -_- and the whole time they were just laughing at me because of how I was acting haha oh well, just having fun =] We stopped at some gas station on the way because everyone.. I mean everyone needed to go pee. Piece of advice.. never ever go pee at a gas station's restroom. Nastehhh.

Parking was a beeeotch. We came across Dicks street. Interesting haha! They would have Dicks street around a gay club. We arrived and lucky Anna, she got a wrist band, along with Jon, Tad, and Nat. But that didn't stop the rest of us from drinking =] I wished I was 21 that night but thanks to Jon and Tad. Adios. Drunk. Damn that shit was good.

uhhh okay.. two guys in the back LOL

We were chillin' outside then we randomly see Anna, Jamie, and a security walk out of the club. HAHA she got kicked out for being "too drunk" haha! There's the wall separatin us from her! but chooooo know, we never leave homies so we all jumped over the wall.. well me, kimmy, and Francis did.

Its chill because we had our own party outside of the club! We were everywhere hah!

We all decided to go home and I think it was about 2ish. Oh man buzzed. heels. eyes half opened. not so good. Thanks to Nat for taking care of me.. I couldn't walk straight by myself. Anna, Kimmy, and I were walking around saying hi to everyone that we pass by, and they were all so nice and gave us compliments! Got hit on by gay/bi-sexual guys yee! Mission accomplished. I was walking with Nat and there was this guy, not so sure if he was gay or bi but he stopped and said that I was really cute =] hah.
We stopped at a Taco stand by where we parked.

Tad told me what happened when bi-sexual guy #1 passed by us with his boyfriend, I couldn't really remember. But when I heard, I started giggling. Tad asked the guy if he thinks Anna and I are pretty and he said "I'm bisexual and yes I think they are" poor boyfriend =/ lol Tad was telling us how awkward it was for the other guy. And to see bi-guy#1 kiss Anna on the lips! HAHAHAH HAPPY FCKING BIRTHDAY ANNA!

Headed home after with Kimmy, Anna, Nat, and Tad. It was a fun car ride. Drunken remix. Crazy videos. Random videos. Drunk videos. Anna throwing up. Kimmy "sweating" LOL. Hearing Tad sing, wow he has a nice voice! "Nat you should put alcohol in his drink so he'll sing more!" Non-sense talks. Trying to find a place to Knocked the fck out on the way back home. SOME FUN ASS MO'FCKIN NIGHT.
Happy Birthday Anna =] We love you, bitch.