I'm still amazed. Seriously.
CG won 1st Place at Ultimate Brawl. This is the first time they ever got 1st, and hands down I'm happy to be a part of this team. I'm happy to have won 1st place with them. This is a memorable event to remember. I have nothing much to say about this, because pretty much I'm just excited and happy about it. I can't stop watching the fcking videooo ahh! =] UB day was such a good day though foreal!
Fck, I love my family. My second performance with CG and we got 1st place. It feels really nice.. so just in case I do end up leaving CG this year I can say that it was a great year with them and boy! what an experience =].. and I'll still be around! I just hope.. I hope I can still keep dancing, because its something I love to do and I enjoy it. My mom's my only problem.. we seriously don't get along when it comes to dancing. But enough about that.. GOOD JOB CG FAM<3> would always tell myself, I want to be on this team when I turn 18 hahahah.. and here I am and its actually happening. It still amazes me how before, I would go to CG practice just to say hi and watch them practice.. now, I go there to have fun and practice with everyone. It amazes me how I always wished to be able to share the same stage with them, its really happening =] I'm just thankful and happy that I got the chance to be on this team with these wonderful people.
scared because I started to feel like I'm losing passion and how I didn't really want to be at CG practice that certain night. I was having mixed emotions. But he told me to just give it time and let it all sink in. He said that he's scared because I might expect too much from CG and its not really all that. So.. I gave it time, Now, I feel it more and I'm not expecting too much from CG, its actually how I pictured it. The more I stay on CG the more I start to realize that I need to leave UnderGround soon. It sucks having to feel this way but when its time to go its time to let go. I've been holding on UG for awhile now.. Like what Karen told us at WOD "For the oldies, learn how to let go" I started crying when she told me that. All I could think of that moment was when I first tried out for UG and all of GEN 1. I owe it to UnderGround and the chords who trained us and helped us get better.
I was wondering.."hmmm does my blog make sense cus I'm just typing and typing" so hah sorry if it maybe doesn't make sense? alskjfaslk ionno! haha I'm like half asleep. but fck it. anyways
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