Thursday, May 14, 2009

UG's practice last night was hell for me. I've never felt so tired to a point where I felt like my whole body was going to collapse on the floor. After cleaning, running through pieces and/or the whole set numerous times my body felt weak. It was the second to last full out run through for the night, I pushed myself for the team because I knew I wasn't the only who was exhausted, but looking at everyone.. I felt like I got it worse than anybody else. CG heads were watching too, so I didn't want to disappoint them. Piece after piece all I could think of was "Fuck its hard to breathe, it hurts. 5 more pieces, 4, 3, 2, 1" It was the end of Tuan's piece when I felt like I couldn't carry my whole body, the rest were walking to their spots...while on the otherhand, I was still sitting down.. I did not move, I couldn't. It felt like I was carrying something so heavy that I couldn't get up from where I was sitting. I tried so hard, I knew I had to pull through, so I pushed myself. I tried to go full out for our closer. It was hurting, I couldn't breathe. My eyes were getting watery, but I told myself I can't show anyone so I tried my best to hold it in. Finally it was done. "Take a break and we're going to do another last full out run through" I booked it down the stairs hoping no one saw me because I didn't want them to worry because I thought I was going to be fine. First set of stairs. Second.. my legs felt weak, it gave up on me. I started crying which made it worse. I tried to breathe but it was hurting even legs, arms, I was cramping, my head was spinning, and especially my chest. It scared me. It really did. I couldn't calm myself down which made it worse. Thank God Andy and Karen came. All I could hear was, "Don't think about anything, don't stress", "Breathe Jena", "Calm down, just relax.", "Slowly" over and over again.

Quit. Eat healthy. Get more sleep.

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